— Non-canon content —

This page contains concepts or material that is not confirmed canon to Primos. It may contain canonical elements in the official timeline, but it is not developed in it.
Get Baby Bud’s Binky Back is a first Primos Chibi Tiny Tales short, that premiered on July 27, 2024, on Disney Channel's YouTube channel and DisneyNOW.
When a pesky bird snatches Baby Bud's binky, Tater and all her primos jump into action to get it back!
Character appearances[]
- Tater Ramirez Humphrey
- Little Bud Ramirez Humphrey
- Cousin Bud
- Gordita
- ChaCha
- LotLot
- Tere, Tabi, and Toñita
- Lita
- Scooter
- Lucita
- Nacho
- Nachito
- Bluebirds (debut)
- This is the first short of Primos Chibi Tiny Tales ever.
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