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Welcome to "How to Draw Tater."
NARRATOR: Let's start with her eyes and mouth.
No rush, but I'm kind of blind as a bat right now.
Oh, right Now, just draw the rest of her body,
and this drawing is final.
NARRATOR: Let's ink it in with permanent marker.
Permanent, permanent.
I don't know what my final form will be.
I'm on a journey of self-discovery.
NARRATOR: Let's explore some options.
NARRATOR: Let's start with a form that fixes things.
I don't think I want to work with toilets.
Can I work with animals?
Like a vet?
This is perfect.
Now let's ink Tater in.
Wait, wait.
What about something more action-packed?
NARRATOR: Here you go.
Wait, I could be an adventurer.
No, no, no.
How about the...back to the puppies?
NARRATOR: OK, hold on.
Come here, you cute little--
Where are the puppies?
NARRATOR: I don't know.
Oh, there they are.
You pups got dirty.
Maybe I should be a dog groomer.
NARRATOR: Um, Tater, maybe this is a good time
to decide your final form.
I can't!
There's too many options!
Who am I?
NARRATOR: This page is chaos.
Let's fly you out of here.
Why is it so hard to choose the one thing I want to be?
What's this?
NARRATOR: Oh, this is just my degree from art school.
Artist, huh.
I like to draw.
First, let's make this dragon part of the family.
[dragon vocalizing]
Now we can ask our pet to fetch that flooding toilet.
Now let's draw a big toilet fountain.
You're goin' for a bath, dirty pups.
NARRATOR: Wow, you have quite the imagination.
So, shall we make you an artist permanently?
Uh, actually, I decided that I don't need to decide right now.
NARRATOR: Take all the time you need.
NARRATOR: This has been "How Not to Draw a Tater."
Marker be gone!