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Summer of Imi-Tater

Season 1, episode 14a (Production order); Episode 27 (Overall)

"Summer of Imi-Tater" is the first segment of the fourteenth episode of the first season of Primos, and the twenty-seventh episode overall.

It premiered on August 31, 2024 alongside with Summer of Ignacio.


Younger sister Nellie struggles in Tater's shadow.


Nellie explains how she has had to put up with Tater for all of her life and has secretly felt inferior due to this. One morning, she is impressing the primos with her jokes, as well as openly admitting that she cannot remember any of their names, when Tater comes in with one of her plans, which in this case is to quickly make money. Nellie suggests opening up a lemonade stand, but Tater ignores her and suggests the exact same plan, which the primos praise her on. Nellie becomes infuriated, but she compartmentalizes it via meditating. After seeing the primos helping Tater with her lemonade stand, Nellie plots to usurp her.

Just as Tater is about to present her lemonade stand, Nellie suddenly arrives, dressed as Tater, with a better stand and lower priced lemonade. Tater is shocked by Nellie's actions, as well as the fact that she is successfully making more money than her. This causes to primos to switch over to Nellie's side, much to Tater's shock. Nellie mocks Tater by telling her that she no longer needs the successful stand and switches with her. However, Nellie finds that Tater left her diary and begins to openly read it to everyone in attendance. Tater becomes defeated and starts feeling like a joke, causing the primos to once again comfort her.

When Toñita says that Nellie is just joking, Nellie once again compartmentalizes and thinks that she is being called a joke. She threatens to destroy Tater's journal via hyper-concentrated lemonade, but when the primos continue to talk about Tater, Nellie finally snaps for not getting any attention. She admits that she was angry over Tater ignoring her a lot. Tater explains that she cannot tell what she is thinking, but she does know her habits and reveals that she has written down many of the things she has noticed about her and plans that they will grow up together as loving sisters. The two apologize and Nellie decides to use the money she earned to buy them all paletas.





Promo Transcript
Click here to view the transcript.


Gallery promo
Click here to view the gallery.


  • This episode is actually not the first time Tater used the term "Imi-Tater". She said it in the previous episode "Summer of La Pijamada".
  • This episode, along with "Summer of Ignacio", make it the first episode to have two songs.


  • The episode's opening it meant to be a riff on the opening of "Summer of Tater".

Revelations and significant events

  • This episode reveals facts about Tater and Nellie. The primos apparently favor Tater because they accurately deduce that she is more emotionally vulnerable, hence why they feel so protective of her. Nellie on the other hand maintains a laidback personality as a coping mechanism as she envies the attention Tater gets. Unfortunately, this causes her to close herself off from people and a creates a toxic loop. This episode finally has Nellie acknowledge these pent up emotions.
  • This episode foreshadows "Summer of Breaking Bud" as Tater compliments Cousin Bud on the fact that he seems oddly well informed on how commerce works.

Errors & Goofs

  • NelliesHairError
    Throughout the scenes after Nellie removes the Tater wig, Nellie's hair color swaps between the normal colors and being colored like Taters.
  • LayerIssue
    There is a layering error in the song.

ve Episodes List
Season 1 1. Summer of Tater/Summer of Primos • 2. Summer of Quehaceres/Summer of La Muñeca • 3. Summer of Los Diez/Summer of Lit-Tater-Atura • 4. Summer of Herramientas/Summer of La Naturaleza • 5. Summer of Pam/Summer of La Trabajadora • 6. Summer of La Madriguera/Summer of Los Pollos Hermanos • 7. Summer of El Patín/Summer of Chisme • 8. Summer of No Sabo/Summer of Bookita • 9. Summer of The 13th Primo/Summer of Cuadros • 10. Summer of Tater Luna/Summer of El Chu-PAW-Cabra • 11. Summer of The Baby Races/Summer of La Extraterrestre • 12. Summer of El Futuro/Summer of Super No Entiendo 64 • 13. Summer of La Excavación/Summer of La Pijamada • 14. Summer of Imi-Tater/Summer of Ignacio • 15. Summer of El Cringe/Summer of Taternomics • 16. Summer of La Hamaca/Summer of The Santa Anas • 17. Summer of Segundos/Summer of Breaking Bud • 18. Summer of Gwenship/Summer of Heart Eyes • 19. Summer of Hacienda Chills/Summer of Los Bots • 20. Summer of the Mixtape/Summer of Je Ne Sais Quoi • 21. Summer of Local Girl/Summer of Cumple • 22. Summer of La Cultura/Summer of Santa Tabi • 23. Summer of Calabazas y Tostones/Summer of El Demo • 24. Summer of Los Limones/Summer of La Iguana
Others 1. Animation Test • 2. ¡Feliz Cumple! • 3. A Piece of My Mind: Primos
Chibi Tiny Tales 1. Get Baby Bud's Binky Back • 2. The Summer of Silenciosa • 3. Odd Primo Out
How NOT to Draw 1. How NOT to Draw: Tater
Theme Song Takeover 1. T Sisters Theme Song Takeover • 2. LotLot Theme Song Takeover