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Summer of La Pijamada

Season 1, episode 13b (Production order); Episode 26 (Overall)

"Summer of La Pijamada" is the second segment of the thirteenth episode of the first season of Primos, and the twenty-sixth episode overall.

It premiered on August 31, 2024 alongside with Summer of La Excavacion.


Tater tries to host a sleepover while hiding the cousins.


Tater is eating at the French restaurant while reading her Romancimorphs book when she overhears another girl her age also reading the exact same book and also attempting to speak French. Tater learns that the girl is named Serena and she has just moved to Hacienda Hills. Just like Tater, she too has an awkward personality and the two quickly become friends. Serena is an only child, causing Tater to lie that she too has no siblings of her own, after hearing what she considers a noisy house. She haphazardly suggests having a sleepover, but quickly regrets it as that would mean the primos would be there. Tater resolves to keep them hidden away.

Using a robot that Gordita had built for Cousin Bud, Tater pretends that she is sick so that the primos would be out of her room and dresses the robot as her. Tater brings Serena to her garage burrow and the two quickly bond over their favorite Romancimorphs book, French films, and snacking on pizza bagels. Tater ultimately is forced to sneak Serena around the house if she wants something. Meanwhile, the primos are confused with "Tater's" behavior. Thinking she is possessed, Big Nacho, Nachito, Scooter, and Lucita bring LotLot to come and perform an exorcism, only for the robot to lose its head and convincing the kids that they killed Tater.

Tater and Serena accidentally knock the power out in the house, causing Bud to come up and check on them. When he invites them inside, Serena sees that there are more shoes in the house and Tater comes clean, admitting that she lives with her sister and primos. Serena also comes clean by admitting that she also doesn't like pizza bagels. The two decide to continue being friends as they still like hanging out with one another. Just as Tater begins to wonder what happened to the pizza bagels she gave Serena earlier, Bud goes to use the toilet, only for the toilet to blow up with pizza bagels that Serena had previously flushed.




Promo Transcript
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Gallery promo
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  • The Exorcist - When the primos bring LotLot in to perform an exorcism on "Tater", they recreate the famous scene from The Exorcist of Father Merrin’s arrival at the MacNeil house.


ve Episodes List
Season 1 1. Summer of Tater/Summer of Primos • 2. Summer of Quehaceres/Summer of La Muñeca • 3. Summer of Los Diez/Summer of Lit-Tater-Atura • 4. Summer of Herramientas/Summer of La Naturaleza • 5. Summer of Pam/Summer of La Trabajadora • 6. Summer of La Madriguera/Summer of Los Pollos Hermanos • 7. Summer of El Patín/Summer of Chisme • 8. Summer of No Sabo/Summer of Bookita • 9. Summer of The 13th Primo/Summer of Cuadros • 10. Summer of Tater Luna/Summer of El Chu-PAW-Cabra • 11. Summer of The Baby Races/Summer of La Extraterrestre • 12. Summer of El Futuro/Summer of Super No Entiendo 64 • 13. Summer of La Excavación/Summer of La Pijamada • 14. Summer of Imi-Tater/Summer of Ignacio • 15. Summer of El Cringe/Summer of Taternomics • 16. Summer of La Hamaca/Summer of The Santa Anas • 17. Summer of Segundos/Summer of Breaking Bud • 18. Summer of Gwenship/Summer of Heart Eyes • 19. Summer of Hacienda Chills/Summer of Los Bots
Others 1. Animation Test • 2. ¡Feliz Cumple! • 3. A Piece of My Mind: Primos
Chibi Tiny Tales 1. Get Baby Bud's Binky Back • 2. The Summer of Silenciosa • 3. Odd Primo Out
How NOT to Draw 1. How NOT to Draw: Tater
Theme Song Takeover 1. T Sisters Theme Song Takeover • 2. LotLot Theme Song Takeover